Project Team

Manuel León Urrutia
Manuel León is the academic director of Editorial Octaedro and Lecturer in Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton (UoS). Manuel holds a PhD in Web Science from the University of Southampton, with a specialisation in Education Technologies and Learning Design. Manuel is Head of Learning of Southampton Data Science Academy, a UoS spinoff that has provided online CPD training to over 2000 professionals to date. Manuel has also participated in several Erasmus+ and H2020 projects related to education technologies and data literacy, acting as PI for Southampton and leading work packages. He is also a certified Data Ethics Facilitator of the Open Data Insititute.

Paula Estalayo Bielsa
Paula Estalayo is the coordinator of MELISE. She has experience in managing European projects at Editorial Octaedro. She is Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona, and holds a PhD in Arts and Education, on youth subjectivities and segregation. With her expertise in inclusion and gender perspectives, she strives to improve media literacy, foster critical thinking, and address social issues through education.

Nicola Bruno
Nicola Bruno is a professional journalist and an expert on media literacy and disinformation. He is the co-founder of Dataninja where he manages Open the Box, a project for the dissemination of media and data literacy that in 2023 has been awarded the European Digital Skills Award by the European Commission. He was an Adjunct Professor of Visual Storytelling at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and a Journalist Fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford.

Matteo Scannavini
Matteo Scannavini is a data literacy trainer and freelance journalist, with a background in Digital Humanities, Investigative Journalism and Data Storytelling. At Dataninja, he teaches data literacy and data visualization and serves as a project assistant for national and international tailored training programs, focusing on elder people and unemployed women. Additionally, he carries out data and investigative journalism projects for Slow News, and occasionally as a web developer.

Benedetta Tonnini, Dataninja
Benedetta Tonnini is a project manager and grant
specialist, with a background in Data literacy and Data storytelling. She also carries out research activities on Data Literacy issues and coordinates Dataninja’s international training projects, both in the field of research on new formats and teaching methods (Erasmus plus, Creative Europe) and in the implementation of tailored training projects (such as for the European Data Journalism network).

Ioanna Georgia Eskiadi
She is a PhD candidate at Aristotle University and a researcher at the Peace Journalism Laboratory, Department of Journalism and Media, AUTH, in important research projects. Her PhD thesis and writing work is about innovation, new technologies, and their introduction in news organizations. She is a research fellow at the Portulans Institute and has been a fellow of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and other organizations.
Dimitris Milosis

Apostolos Karampaglidis
Laboratory, working on researching projects. He has also worked as costumer
services and back office at PeopleCert , supporting customers in IT issues. He worked
as a caregiver and driver to Terre des Hommes and International Organization of
Migration, providing service affiliated to unaccompanied minors. He holds experience
of data collector via IOM survey, regarding to refuge population their experiences,
providing information about the population and any other elements related to the
field. He holds his bachelor in Informatics and Mass Media, Technical Educational
Institute of Patras and he is having his Master in Environmental Management and
Environmental Education.

Yiorgos Karagiorgos
Georgios (Yorgos) Karagiorgos academic background is in the Humanities and his master’s degree in Political Communication from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, He is an Associate Researcher at the International Peace Journalism Lab and at the International Center for the Safety of Journalists and Media Professionals. Additionally, he is a Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung scholar and Coordinator of the Network for the Right to Assembly and Freedom of Expression of the Amnesty International Greece.
Nikolaos Panagiotou
Dr. Nikos S. Panagiotou 1 is Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Media
Communication, Aristotle University. He has been a visiting Professor at APU University, Japan at Deutsche Welle. He has been awarded the following scholarships: Chevening Scholar of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office UK,
RCAP Scholar from APU University Japan, Scholar to Beijing Foreign Studies University, Scholar of the State of Luxembourg. He has an extensive research work which has been funded from Google (DNI Initiative fund). He is the initiator and organizer of Thessaloniki International Media Summer Academy. He serves as the
President of Digital Communication Network Global, Director of the Peace Journalism Lab and oversees the International Center for the Safety of Journalists and Media Professionals. Additionally, he is a scientific advisor to the Center for Foreign Policy Planning at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Javier Gil Quintana
PhD in Education and Communication. Lecturer at the Faculty of Education (UNED). Master in Education and Communication on the Net; Master in Integrated Technologies and Knowledge Society; expert in media analysis, free software and digital production. CO-IP of the SMEMIU Research Group (UNED). PI of the MELISE Research Project. His publications in journals and publishers of impact, as well as his contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: media literacy, sMOOC, sNOOC, gamification, influencers, education and heritage communication, education and communication for health.

Elena Martínez Piedra
PhD student in Education (UNED). Degree in History of Art (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); Master’s Degree in Teaching and Master’s Degree in Educational Technology and Digital Skills (Universidad de La Rioja); Master’s Degree in ‘Art of the Cathedrals: Didactics of Art, Communication and Theology’ (UNED). Researcher at the UNED for the MELISE Research Project. Teacher of geography and history in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate. She is a member of the SMEMIU Research Group (UNED). Her publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to her contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: media literacy, sMOOC, gamification, educational innovation, art education, heritage education and heritage.

Eduardo García Blázquez
PhD in Education (UNED). Master’s Degree in Communication and Education on the Net (UNED); DEA in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications, Artificial Intelligence area, UAM; Computer Engineer (NEBRIJA) and Technical Engineer in Computer Management (NEBRIJA); Expert in E-Marketing, Community Management, (UFV); MBA (Henley Business School); Master’s Degree in Occupational Risks. Researcher in the SMEMIU Group (UNED). His publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to his contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: media literacy and health education in social media.

Isabel Iniesta Alemán
PhD in Communication (University of Malaga). Degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Zaragoza and Professor at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). More than 45 years of professional activity, 21 of them at the head of MarketReal Consultores S.L. and collaborating with the Instituto Aragonés de Fomento as a certified consultant in entrepreneurship. Researcher in the Research Group on Digital Communication and Information (GICID) at the University of Zaragoza and in the SMEMIU Research Group (UNED). Her publications in high impact journals and publishers, as well as her contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: the influencer phenomenon, advertising, social networks and transmedia narrative.

José Javier Hueso Romero
PhD in Education (UNED). Graduate in Social Education (UNED) and Master in Education and Communication on the Net (UNED). Lecturer at the University of Nebrija and external collaborator of the UNED. Expert in Virtual Learning Scenarios (MOOC) and creator of the tMOOC Platform. His publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to his contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: media literacy, MOOC, tMOOC, adolescents, accessible educational materials and artificial intelligence.

Simón Gil Tévar
PhD student in Education (UNED). Teacher of Primary Education and Physical Education (University of Castilla La Mancha); Master’s degree in Education and Communication on the Net (UNED); expert in verbal and non-verbal communication, with experience in training. Co-creator of the pedagogical innovation project ‘Belén Solidario Playmobil’. His publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to his contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: educommunication, fiction series, co-education, heritage education, and interdisciplinary innovation.

Jesus Ángel Sánchez Ribera
PhD in Art History (2011). Graduate in Art History. Associate Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. His publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to his contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: manifestations of Hispanic art during the Modern Age, didactic projection of cultural heritage for different stages and educational contexts.

Lorena Latre Navarro
PhD in Education with International Mention (University of Zaragoza). Graduate in Medicine; Master’s Degree in Teaching from the University of Zaragoza; Master’s Degree in Clinical Medicine (Camilo José Cela University). She has taught numerous courses on educational technology and digital competence for graduates, specialising in the field of digital health. Experience as a doctor in occupational risk prevention. She is currently Assistant Professor of Human Anatomy at the University of Zaragoza, she teaches the micro-credential in Digital Teaching Competence. Her publications in journals and publishers of impact, as well as her contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: psychoeducational and health variables.

Alejandro Quintas Hijós
Doctor in Education. Teacher and philosopher. Professor at the University of Zaragoza, where he teaches didactics. Director of the Diploma in Digital Teaching Competence at the University of Zaragoza, and director of the Caja Rural de Teruel Chair for the Development of Talent and the Personalisation of Learning. His publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to his contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: gamification and digitised feedback in contexts of adult population with intellectual disabilities.

Sara Osuna Acedo
Professor of Education. PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. Director of the Paulo Freire Chair of Educommunication. PI of the SMEMIU Research Group (UNED): Continuous leadership in internationally competitive research projects. Her publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to her contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: MOOCs, media convergence, digital scenarios, disability, digital learning and social networks.

Carlos Monge
PhD in Education. Lecturer at the Faculty of Education (UNED). Master in Psychopedagogy and Master in Teacher Training (Educational Guidance); Expert in Cooperative Learning and Educational Mediation. His publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to his contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: educational innovation, school coexistence, teacher training and educational technology.

Patricia Hernández
PhD in Education (extraordinary prize).Lecturer at the Faculty of Education (UNED); Master’s Degree in Psychopedagogy and Master’s Degree in Teacher Training (Educational Guidance); expert in Cooperative Learning.Her publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to her contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: educational technology, educational inclusion, innovation in education and teacher training.

Cristina Sánchez Romero
PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences.Lecturer at the Faculty of Education (UNED). Director of the Master’s Degree in Educational Treatment for Diversity. She belongs to the SMEMIU Research Group, being coordinator of the line of Inclusive Media Education.Her publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to her contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: innovation and research in the field of cybersecurity, metaverse, bullying and specific didactics.

David Jiménez Hernández
PhD in Education (UNED).Lecturer at the Faculty of Education (UNED). He belongs to the SMEMIU Research Group. His publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to his contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: digital competence, teaching methodology, teacher training.

Roberto Feltrero
PhD in Philosophy (UNED).Member of the SMEMIU group.His publications in journals and publishers of impact, in addition to his contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for media education.

Carmen Cantillo Valero
PhD in Communication and Education (UNED).Master in Education and Communication on the Web (UNED); expert in audiovisual narratives, gamification and research methodology.She has studied the role of productions and images in the field of creativity and media literacy.Her experience is based on a large number of high-impact publications that position her as an international reference. She works at the Latin American Institute of Educational Communication (Mexico) and as an external collaborating professor at the UNED. Her publications in high-impact journals and publishing houses, as well as her contributions to conferences, research projects and transfer are based on the following lines of research: media education, gender violence in social networks, innovative didactics of learning in non-formal contexts, etc.

Cristina Valero
Cristina Valero is a co-founder of Cosicosa and Associate Professor at the University of Lleida. She holds a master’s degree in Cognitive Science and Interactive Media (Pompeu Fabra University) and a Degree in Design (ELISAVA). Additionally, she lectures on Interaction Design and User Experience at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her research aims to visualize the ethical and social challenges posed by new technologies, using art and technology to promote reflection and critical thinking in educational practices.

Isabel García de la Cruz
Co-founder of Cosicosa and currently project manager at, her work has focused on technology and education. Starting as a programmer where she developed interfaces for kids and seniors, participing in both the design, development and implementation. She has also worked giving workshops where the main focus has been to remove digital barriers in different contexts for the last 10 years.

Saeta Hernando
Founder and co-president of IDYL Learning and the Interdisciplinary, Dynamic and Ludic Learning Methodology (IDYL). Designer and visual communicator and researcher of Integral Gamification in Education. Since 2021, collaborating member of the Social Media and Media, Inclusive and Ubiquitous Education Research Group, SMEMIU (UNED Spain), participating in several media literacy projects (UNESCO, YouVerify!).

Bettina Inés Truffat
Founder and co-president of IDYL Lernen and the Interdisciplinary, Dynamic and Ludic learning methodology (IDYL). She is a professional dancer, choreographer, dance teacher, artistic director and trainer of trainers. She is also a Gestalt therapist and researcher in the field of movement and dance. She has developed the conscious movement technique “Tanz Konnexion”.

Sofia Branco
Award-winning journalist, working for the Portuguese news agency LUSA, mainly covering local news.
Currently president of the Media Literacy and Journalism Association (ALPMJ), she was president of the Portuguese Journalists’ Union between 2015 and 2022.
With a Master on Human Rights and Democratisation and currently doing a PhD on Sociology (Gender Studies), she is an invited teacher in public university Iscte and a regular trainer in Cenjor.
She has been training in several formats, both on site and online, for several professionals (activists, unionists, policemen and military personnel, teachers).
She is the author of two books, one on female genital mutilation and another one on women and the colonial wars.

Vítor Tomé
Vitor Tomé is an international expert on Digital Citizenship Education and on Media Literacy (Council of Europe and European Commission), a lecturer (Autonoma University of Lisbon), an invited researcher (ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon), a teacher trainer (Directorate-General of Education), and a freelance journalist (CP1524). Holds a PhD in Media Education and a post-doctorate in Communication Sciences. He is currently involved in several international and national projects as a coordinator, researcher or scientific consultant.

Isabel Nery
Award-winning journalist and researcher, Isabel Nery is the author of several non-fiction works, including «Our Brain and the News: The Psychophysiological Impact of Journalism», published by Springer-Nature (2024), the biography of the poet «Sophia», the crossed biographies of Portuguese politicians, «The 5 Men Who Changed Portugal Forever» and the story of political transition to democracy, «Assault to Parliament». Two of her books have been adapted into animated short films. She was vice president of the Portuguese Journalist’s Union and experienced journalism on various platforms, from TV to press or podcasts. PhD in Communication, she is now Research Chair at IALJS and vice-president of the Association for Journalism and Media Literary (ALPMJ).

Vicente Montiel
Vicente Montiel Molina is the CEO of ECO Digital Learning. ELearning expert from the Complutense University of Madrid, founder of Tabarca Consulting, professor at the UNED Foundation in his Master in Social Networks and Digital Content (Spain and South America) and co-director of the permanent training program “Strategy in social networks and digital marketing”, collaborating professor at the University of Malaga in communication and online marketing subjects, and regular speaker at various Andalusian institutions. Vicente is an IT professional with more than 25 years of experience in the sector in prestigious multinational companies, which several years ago understood the potential of 2.0 communication and social networks, deciding to redirect their professional profile and strategic vision of the business to these areas.

Vitalba Paesano
Since 2008, Vitalba Paesano, a lifelong journalist, is the editor of, the only regularly registered online magazine for the over-55 in Italy, which gives voice to the interests of the grey-age. She participates in the Melise Project because of the expertise she has acquired over the last 20 years in the area of digitisation of seniors and overcoming their Digital Divide.

Giovanna Maggiori
Giovanna Maggiori, journalist, has worked for several years with the online newsmagazine She is particularly involved in teaching IT subjects to the over-55 who participate in the courses organised by the Magazine. The main objective of her work is to involve seniors in the use of new technologies to overcome the Digital Divide.