Work packages
The MELISE project is strategically divided into five work packages (WPs), each meticulously crafted to fulfill our overarching goals.
Work Package 1: Project management and coordination
WP1 is particularly vital as it includes ongoing evaluation, producing critical reports at each stage. This WP spans the entire project lifecycle, ensuring seamless operations and effective stakeholder engagement.
- O1.1. Ensure that technical and financial management meet the requirements of the Grant Agreement and CREA programme, while maintaining high quality standards.
- O1.2. Execute project activities within the allotted budget and timeframe and deliver the expected outcomes.
- O1.3. Establish a management system that encourages and involves all project partners in activities, in order to achieve project success.
- O1.4. Establish effective and reliable communication tools to facilitate ongoing communication between all partners.
- O1.5. Establish and maintain a continuous communication channel with the European Commission / EACEA, to ensure compliance with program guidelines and requirements.
Work Package 2: State of the Art
WP2, titled ‘State of the Art’, delves into a thorough analysis of media literacy across Europe, with a special focus on older adults. This foundational work will not only gather existing best practices and educational resources but also insights from media literacy experts both within and beyond our consortium. Partnering with libraries, civic centers, and senior citizens’ centers, WP2 paves the way for interactive workshops and informative events.
The WP2 aims to develop a comprehensive analysis of media literacy in Europe, focusing on older people. This analysis will serve as a basis for developing the subsequent training courses offered by the project. WP2 focuses on collecting two main elements 1) existing best practices and educational resources, and 2) ideas from Media Literacy experts both within and outside the consortium. It also covers the creation of a list of partners, such as libraries, civic centres and senior citizens’ centres, to jointly organise face-to-face workshops and conferences/lectures.
- O2.1. To promote knowledge exchanges and the transfer of best practices and educational resources in media literacy between the consortium and beyond through the collection ofbest practices and educational resources, as well as a Community of Practice.
- O2.2. To improve the skills and knowledge of media literacy trainers to address current key challenges through the development of a training program and training workshops.
- O2.3. To enhance media literacy in senior citizens as a democratic right to build transparency and enhance critical thinking in our societies by contributing to the development ofEuropean values and principles through the development of an online training course as well as face-to-face training workshops.
- O2.4. To know and promote the voices of media literacy professionals such as teachers, academics and trainers regarding the challenges and possibilities they face, practices theycarry out and main ideas of their work by conducting interviews.
- O2.5. To identify and create a network of collaborating entities around the field of media literacy in the local territories of the different partners.
- O2.6. To strengthen the collaboration and cooperation of the partners from a cross-sectoral dimension by identifying key complementarities, common synergies and sharingresources, know-how and best practices.
Work Package 3: Design and development of learning resources
In WP3, ‘Design and Development of Learning Resources’, we concentrate on crafting and launching two tailored courses—a SMOOOC for seniors on the ECO platform, and a training program for educators on Octaedro’s Moodle platform. Building on the insights gathered in WP2, our consortium’s experts are actively developing content that meets the specific needs of our learners
- O3.1. Develop learning materials for sMOOC that serve as action strategies for media literacy of the elderly people.
- O3.2. Disseminate the materials and facilitate access to users who wish to become part of the sMOOC Community.
- O3.3. Design and develop materials for the course for trainers with webinars, two of them centralized, plus other local seminars.
- O3.4. Disseminate the trainings through regional and global networks dealing with media literacy and senior citizens with an aim to inspire their multiplication and variation for adoption in the new locations.
Work Package 4: Training
WP4 – Training covers the implementation of courses and workshops. This work package serves as a crucial link between the consortium and the project beneficiaries, specifically older people, either directly or indirectly through the trainers. The main objective of WP4 is to organise two types of activities: firstly, to involve media literacy trainers through online courses and face-to-face workshops to improve their skills and capacities and promote the exchange of experiences at European level; secondly, to offer a training programme specifically designed for older people in order to reinforce critical media literacy education and combat the negative impact of new communication trends, such as hate speech and misinformation. This objective will be partly achieved through the WP3 courses.
- O4.1 Implement online courses and provide adequate teaching material to promote the development of media literacy skills and to raise awareness about media literacytopics regarding senior citizens.
- O4.2 Deliver online courses for trainers that can lead to an innovative, concrete and innovative pedagogies related to media literacy training for seniors.
- O4.3. Evaluate the trainings in terms of end-user experience from students.
- O4.4. Design and implementation of workshops with specific activities for older people to develop their skills in critical media literacy.
- O4.5. Design and implementation of workshops for trainers so that they expand their knowledge, tools and resources to be able to train older people in media literacy.
- O4.6. While each of the courses and assignments will be coordinated by specific partners, emphasis will be placed on collaborative and co-creative approaches in whichknowledge, tools, and ideas on curricular development in media literacy will be shared.
Work Package 5: Dissemination and communication
To achieve the dissemination and communication objectives, WP5 includes the development of this project web platform and its constituent spaces, such as the inventory of good practices and educational resources, the Community of Practice (CoP), which serves as a feedback tool, and the podcast channel.
- O4.1: Actively promote and communicate project activities to relevant stakeholders.
- O4.2: Foster collaborative awareness-raising activities and events with other partnerships and CREA programs.
- O4.3: Assess the effectiveness of communication, outreach, and dissemination strategies.
- O4.4: Enhance awareness of the CREA program.
- O4.5: To promote the creation of a multilingual online platform as a participatory space and meeting point for media literacy trainers.